Storage & Cooking Suggestion

Dumplings all day everyday!
Storage Keep your dumplings in the FREEZER at all times! No need for defrosting - cook from frozen. There are x3 main ways to cook your dumpling (if you find a...
Dumplings all day everyday!
Storage Keep your dumplings in the FREEZER at all times! No need for defrosting - cook from frozen. There are x3 main ways to cook your dumpling (if you find a...

..Like literally everything!
Storage Once opened, store in fridge. Keeps up to 3 months but it seldom lasts that long. 😅Eat with Pasta Pizza Eggs Toast Noodles Rice Mac & Cheese
..Like literally everything!
Storage Once opened, store in fridge. Keeps up to 3 months but it seldom lasts that long. 😅Eat with Pasta Pizza Eggs Toast Noodles Rice Mac & Cheese

Keep your kimchi happy!
Storing Once open, store in refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks. Ensure kimchi is submerged under brine. How to eat? First Week Fresh kimchi is delicious on its own! Eat as a side...
Keep your kimchi happy!
Storing Once open, store in refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks. Ensure kimchi is submerged under brine. How to eat? First Week Fresh kimchi is delicious on its own! Eat as a side...